Sunday, 6 September 2015

A River runs through it

Nothing to do today but go fishing in the sun.  With no team in for the Turner 400 a few decided to go for end of summer carp.  Of more interest to me was not fishing the lakes but fish watching at Witherington Farm and the River that runs through it.

Last years floods had seen dozens of fish washed out of the lake and into the river. At one point the shoal was in the hundreds.  Indeed there was a huge shoal of Skimmers up to 1.5 lb Perch to 12 oz, Chubb to 1.5 lb and Roach to 1.5 lb as well has hundreds of Dace Gudgeon and a few Pike too.  As I say it was fascinating watching there reactions to different baits offered free.  I was amazed to see the Perch literally hoovering up caster as opposed to maggot.  Roach and skimmers preferring a bed of micro pellet as opposed to ground bait.  The Chubb smashing the worm offerings and even more so ..... watching the 4 or 5 Pike working like a pack  circling closer and closer as they manoeuvred the small fish and Dace into a bait ball similar to those seen herded by Whales and Dolphins or Tuna.  I could almost taste the fear of the tiny fish as they nervously squeezed closer and closer together before the Pike rushed in.

But the lads had other things on their mind and an impromptu match began at the cost of a quid each.  Fishing long I was getting bit out as I had no hard pellet and only small expanded with me.  The corn was ignored so it was back to my track swim and bashing the Roach and skimmers. It was slow going for us, Brian picked himself the bridge swim in the low 40 s, a flier and was catching regularly.  I decided to get a few action shots with the Camera as we all enjoyed a hot sunny day a rarity this summer.

Brian left the catching and gave Martin some tackle tips which he quickly employed to hook int a double figure Carp only to lose it after one final desperate surge.

More fishing and more skimmers and Roach, Leo was into a Carp and before long it was Leo 2 Carp 4 before a beautiful Gold fish came to the net.  He to was fed up of the small fish and adopted Brians approach of banded 6 mil hard pellet and feeding 8 mil.  I went down the edge on chop worm and Caster and it was still skimmers but much bigger ones.

Leo did seem to be enjoying the day but getting frustrated at the lack of bigger Carp
 Bur perseverance paid of after losing a few he started to connect, let the elastic do the work and get the fish into the landing net.  The banded pellet doing the biz.

  But as I continued to back skimmers and some really fat quality Roach I lost the will a little the Carp were sunning themselves on the surface but seemed not interested in my expander pellet.  Brian had upped the feed rate down by the bridge and was one after another.

For the last time I cam into my edge swim and finally the Carp had muscled out the big skimmers and the fist of the Carp a , a nice one too was stretching the hollo 13 elastic across the lake.  Leo took turn with the camera and it was nice to get the fish in the net.. Big spawn like belly on it , surely not spawn this late hope the fish is alright and not injured in some way.  But a real pot belly on it.  Two more Carp and two lost Carp meant along with 10 lb of silvers meant I had around 24 lb as we finished.

As Leo called this very relaxing and sun filled day to a close the winner was from the flier and as always Brian took the pound coins with a bag full of Carp and a fair few skimmers as well.  Might have beat him last week but couldn't keep a good angler down

Have a few days off , so I am sure there will be more blogs to come. See you soon

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