Friday, 25 January 2013

Van den Eynde Supercup

Well would you believe it the Van den Eynde Supercup clubman competiton applications are required from those who are going to compete.  As an associate member of the Army Angling federation, I had been monitoring with mild  concern the response to our Chairmans request for a volunteer to take it on.

Surely, one of the many class anglers we have, would take it on.  Last years Captain Mick Craddock had stepped down after taking us a long way, he couldnt do it. Surely AFF would have a team. Certainly we have the anglers to go all the way.

Then it dawned on me (doh) some of our superstars are sponsored now, applying their skills against the rest of the world. VDE Supercup is for non sponsored clubman types like me.  So chuck my hat in the ring, havent got much of an idea, but have run a couple of matches.  Perhaps the extra time on match bank, can only increase the chance for an elusive section win. 

Gobsmacked, they accepted. Cynics might say they had no choice  - perhaps the choice for the Chairman was a list of one.  I don't care its an honour and I will give it my best shot.

 The AFF at the Viaduct.  Motley but very talented crew.  Fat bloke in the middle is yours truly.

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