Sunday, 27 January 2013

Canal canundrum

The weekend saw me feeling rough.  Still managed to struggle to Reids at Witherington farm.  Picked up my bait and had a cup of tea, and shared the normal banter.  Plus a pair of Waders, which will crop up later.  Mayo was running a match on Cottage, so strolled along to get a couple of mobile contact numbers from him.

Withy, is getting back to normal. weeks of high river avon floodwater, followed by ice and snow are hopefully behind us now.  Levels look almost normal.

Saturday / Sunday night saw torrential rain.  Still hopefully it will get rid of the ice on the canal.  God I felt rough in the morning.  To quote the Clash, should I stay or should I go? Wife actually looked mildly concerned saying, your as white as bloody sheet, you've been on the toilet most of the night are you mad?

Still the call of the brand new pole, proved to much.  Arriving at the canal early to get a place in the limited parking; found me looking for a space as everyone else had thought the same and were ahead of me.  Last of the floating ice was disappearing, but it didn't look inviting.  Waders I bought yesterday, were too small.  My fault should have tried them on.  How will I get my platform in?   Couple of people enquired at my health, god you look white/ pale or you look like s%*t mate. The first Pewsey draw of the year got under way, and a scrabble for peg one as hands dived in the beenie hat draw bag nobody wanted to walk far the bank side was narrow dodgy and basically 6 to 8 inches of muddy slurry.  Two sections of 7, saw me draw peg 5.  Arrived at the peg no mean feet, as we all carry so much gear getting past on a bankside only wide enough for one trolley was not easy.  The peg was at best uninspiring, with little room and high bank behind, topped by a thicket to dense to push a pole through.  Managed only to get one foot icy clod in getting the platform in; which was followed by realising I had forgot my side bait tray!!!

Two hours in bite less! my walnut size nugget of crumb, and normal punch approach had proved fruitless.  Still not too worried guy on my left (6) struggling.  Guy on my right (good angler) struggling two bites two roach netted at 5oz a piece.  Pegs 2 and 3 going well and peg 1 is still blanking. Boats and kayaks have ruined my track swim.  So i knock up 50/50 canal noire' and terra de somme leam chuck in 20 white squat and cup in a Clementine size ball. 1hour passes and 1 tiny perch and I mean tiny!, and 1x1oz roach. Peg 7 has had a few blades and just lost a tench at the net. 2 and 3 still going well, 4 had a couple more blades.

Back on the inside fishing squat over my bread line, resulting in 4 more tiny fish, down the canal the high numbered pegs are catching now  pegs 2 and 3 are slowing down but  still catching.  The weather has not improved, blowing an absolute hooly. Making it difficult to hold the pole straight.  The Tourny ex by the way is a joy.  Stiff as a poker and much lighter at full length than my milo.

Guy to my left has had enough, branches as thick as you forearm, are cracking off from some of the older trees. Between me and peg 4 there is an almighty crash as a branch lands mid canal.  Nervous laughs abound, and comments about hard hats come to the fore.  Could be worse. Could be raining.  On cue the rain begins, and I look nervously at my new  pride and joy as the rain turns to hail starts to crack and bounce of the sections.  An hour to go no more bites. Should I pack up and go home? No stick it out.  Finally the all out and the weigh in. 6 bites 6 fish 4.5oz.  Top weight in my section 3lb (peg2) peg 3 weighs in 2lb + and peg 4 1lb 3oz.  Tough day all round  - not last, mid section finish again, and a 3lb weight made up of some bigger Perch in the other section takes I think.  Mid section blues again.  Stuck it out but no luck today.

Friday, 25 January 2013

Van den Eynde Supercup

Well would you believe it the Van den Eynde Supercup clubman competiton applications are required from those who are going to compete.  As an associate member of the Army Angling federation, I had been monitoring with mild  concern the response to our Chairmans request for a volunteer to take it on.

Surely, one of the many class anglers we have, would take it on.  Last years Captain Mick Craddock had stepped down after taking us a long way, he couldnt do it. Surely AFF would have a team. Certainly we have the anglers to go all the way.

Then it dawned on me (doh) some of our superstars are sponsored now, applying their skills against the rest of the world. VDE Supercup is for non sponsored clubman types like me.  So chuck my hat in the ring, havent got much of an idea, but have run a couple of matches.  Perhaps the extra time on match bank, can only increase the chance for an elusive section win. 

Gobsmacked, they accepted. Cynics might say they had no choice  - perhaps the choice for the Chairman was a list of one.  I don't care its an honour and I will give it my best shot.

 The AFF at the Viaduct.  Motley but very talented crew.  Fat bloke in the middle is yours truly.

Thursday, 24 January 2013

The weekend is coming.........

The weekend is coming and the weekly trip to tackle mecca - Reids Tackle.

Dave Moody , Frank and all the gang waiting eagerly to provide all my requirement's.  Its great drop the wife in Salisbury, shopping for a couple of hours, wiz down the road and talk fishing. 

Banter to the for, with funny stories and reminiscing from the past when we turned up at matches with wellies, wicker baskets and boiler suit coveralls.  The rich blokes had a hat and Barbour coat if they were really rich.  Match attendance was massive (Dave Moody won a Championship 3 hundred pegger on the Stour). There is an obligatory quote from me (generally a recycled Ivan Marks, Benny Ashurst or Ray Mumford quote) that  I fail miserably in passing of as a nugget I thought of.

 I do tend to buy something every week I am a bit of a tackle tart.  A sucker for the latest gimmick that promises me an edge in the next match.  something that will banish the mid section blues.

A new bait flavour, a pack of hooks that I haven't tried before, but the bloke that won the match last week uses.  Because it cant be me, surely I am not that mediocre that I'm destined to pay my pools time and again with no winning return?

Still when you face it in a section of ten, there is only one winner.  Where ever you go, where ever you fish the superstars of local match angling prevail.  This weekend its of to the canal. Milkhouse on Pewseys stretch. Lets hope the snow is gone and I don't need an ice breaker.

 Joined Pewsey recently and so far fished 3 matches.  Although I have done OK, and the idea is to improve my Canal angling the local superstars have successfully kept me from a section win.  What good value for money Pewsey is, good bunch of blokes (cant remember many names at the moment) and a great club "feel" to the match. Join me in a prayer to Ivan Marks......... Oh Ivan looking down from above, please grant me a section win this weekend etc....
Today was supposed to be the day.  No more average performances. No more 2nd or 3rd. Goodbye to the dismay of "if only...." just one more fish.  I have done it; I have bought a new magic wand, a new Diawa Tourney Pro X. This will be the new weapon of choice, and it will banish mid section blues.

Today's match K and A canal with the Army lads. Gagging for it. Along with my mates in the Orphans (aka Billy no mates team) i will prevail.  The bait is riddled, the punch blended.  Here we go...........

Oops.. bad weather prevailed. Match cancelled - sod it.


As a blog virgin I think you should all know up front. why I am doing this.  Those that know me will be shocked as I am old, grumpy and don't do tech. By tech I mean I don't do twatter or faceache.  

The reason is three fold. 
1. most of these things that I have read are clearly written by successful anglers, so this is one for the unsuccessful guy. 
2. I will try anything if I think it will change my luck for the better. 
And finally 
3. A chance to thank 3 people who have helped me in my fishing life; My brother Gordon for taking me along to Gasper lake and supervising the catch of a 2oz Perch - oh the genuine joy.  Second Dave Moody at Reids tackle, if you know him you will understand. A supply of advice and quality tackle for me over the last few decades. Last but not least John Dewberry - Army Angling and Browning MG, for inviting me back into Match Angling 3 years ago, a true mate.


Welcome to Mid Section Blues. My name is Gary , I am old, and after returning to Match Fishing - struggling to succeed.  The inspiration for this blog was to share with all those like me the frustrations of those of us brave soles; who turn out to every match pay our pools and struggle against the superstars of local match angling. 
It is hoped this blog is the catalyst/lucky charm that will - just for once - help the underdog to catch that one fish, that will give me a section win.  A man can only take 2nd or 3rd in section or one place of the money so many times!  Is it too much to ask? 
 If you are looking for a quick fix, short cut to success,or a eureka comment you wont find it here. Just the trials and tribulations of the nearly man. Read on and enjoy the struggles .........