Thursday, 27 February 2014

Pewsey - Angling Times Bait Tech David and Goliath

Well its that time of year again as many hopeful "club anglers" set out on that road to Angling Times super cup glory.  During the past three years I have thrown my name in the hat into this turmoil as a member of the Army group 2 squad.  This year however you will all be aware I have put all my fishing eggs into the one basket, that of my local club Pewsey and District AA.

As with many clubs PDAA have suffered and membership has diminished under the crushing boot of sponsorship based and big money open circuit angling.  However the past couple of years have seen membership increase; and green shoots are flourishing as a new atmosphere of pride in wearing the Blue and Black Pewsey shirt has taken root.

In particular the efforts of those above (left to right) Mike Marsden, Kevin Chubb, Leo Pocock, Chris Rushton and Ian Spanswick have to be applauded in bringing PDAA back from the brink.  I for one am proud to hang onto their coat tails and my heart bursts with pride to wear the shirt of my local Club shirt.

Ambition is a funny thing and takes many different forms.  PDAA is ambitious recent success has fired an enthusiasm in most of its members to build on winning local competitions and consolidate as a team to be reckoned with.  

So we enter this prestigious competition with our heads held high as genuine club anglers no ringers. Just lads fighting for the PDAA badge.

Pewsey has had a glorious past; and in the past been a team to be feared or the team to beat.  Ranking high with Bristol AC and giving all local teams from Salisbury to Christchurch and all, a pasting on many occasions.  

These days its tougher, like in football its Premier league or nothing, sponsorship or picture in the fishing press. Association with or part of a winning team is attractive.  As I say though it takes different forms, for me at this moment in time; ambition is a wider picture than just personal - its all about Pewsey - that's it. That is why I admire those men in the picture above.  The cause is worthwhile. Why shouldn't Pewsey be represented in that sphere they have talented club members just need to coral them.

So that is why for the first time in years the club has thrown its baited hook into the maelstrom of ambitious wannabes and genuine talent.  Talking of genuine talent,  deep end or what we've drawn last years Div 2 Champs and local rivals Devizes.
OMG to use the modern lingo. At first my thoughts were S**t, and other negative vibes.  I know there are individuals who are laughing their socks off and can't wait for us to fail. Possibly even praying we are stuffed and taught a lesson that we have had the temerity to stand up and have a go.

A few days have passed.  My thoughts now its sunk in - I have seen their squad and yes I know the names, even fished against them.  They wont know me or be shaking in their boots at the sight of me at the draw bag; but on odd occasions I have beaten them or given them a sweaty close call.

 Devizes you may be quality anglers and these may be the days that you are at your pinnacle and in the limelight (picture above) but every dog has its day.  And the day of the Pewsey (Dog) is coming.  My negative thoughts have been replaced with a determination to hold my head high kiss the Pewsey badge and get stuck in. 

Devizes you can be sure of one thing you will have to earn it.  If you have ever seen a little dog fight you can be sure one thing many a small dog has a massive heart. We are gagging for it , pressure is on you, and you are expected to win.  Trust me pride in the Pewsey badge is worth winning ounces in the keepnet.  

We wish you well as one team of gentlemen to another team of gentlemen.  But that does diminish our will to win.

Bring it on......................

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