Tuesday, 14 March 2017

Celebrate good Times C'mon

Bit of Kool and the Gang on the way to the pub last night for the Pewsey Annual General Meeting to close the 2016/2017. Appropriate really as it was nice to celebrate and smile.
So that’s it then.  I stood down last night, from the Pewsey Committee and my role as Secretary.  

Those who know me will know I can be a bit emotional, and where my heart on my sleeve so bear with me while I do the emotional thank you speeches.

Seriously they say you can count your friends on one hand.  Well for me that is quite difficult as my northern pals / twats would say (being a Wiltshire man) my digits count as one as they are webbed! That said I have to thank a few.  First my long standing friend Brian Shutler.  I hope to continue our battles over the coming years, you are not “Lucky Bri” you are skillful Bri a top angler, and whilst I draw breath I hope you will remain my friend.  

Now to a few others.

Leo Pocock (Capt Slow) and Ian Spanswick (Spanners), both of whom have been unstinting in their support (re Committee business and during my mini stroke) and fantastic new friends on the bank.  The epitome of the friendly club member (s) they have become firm friends.  I admire them for staying on the committee and applaud the committee for voting them in again as Chairman and Treasurer respectively. Spanners that Merry go round pound bet, will come back my way!

Chris Rushton (My Little Pony) legend in his own bedroom, superb bloke, friendly, and a huge hit with the ladies apparently!  Mark Russ the housewife’s favourite with his cheeky grin and six pack stomach.  If there was ever a bloke you would aspire to emulate, Mark is that man.  In fact Lets mention the whole of team Russ.  Wife and daughter who do attend the weigh ins.  What smashing people.

The people I have learnt from JC James Carty “the Legend” what a nice fella squify or sober its fishing first with JC the guy is class.  

Kev “the bread” Chubb, no better bread fisherman around sponsored by Hovis , organiser of the Teams of Four a tough guy to beat in anyone’s section.  Mike Marsden , wasn’t sure about Mike in my first weeks with Pewsey, but boy has he been honest and helpful to me . Free with advice on pegs and venues new to me and generous with his compliments.  Just hope Mike sees the light as he comes out from under the shadow of Kev Rowles and Paul Passmore.

Simon Burden, (Pewsey President) the quite man. Tells you bugger all (but in a nice way) always catches on something he found in the bottom of his box (Pinocchio)  To be honest though, there is not the room to mention them all, Chas Short ,Roly Phillips,  Marc Kay, Jimmy, Will, Martin , Steve.  I hope they all stick together and keep the club going forward.

So to the meeting, not the best AGM I have attended (low turn out) and a reflection perhaps of club fishing in modern times.  That said Pewsey are still the friendly club and defy the odds in fending off the inevitable which is still years away.  Good on em I say.

The nice thing is of course the presentation.  For me personally, I ended up second in the Canal Championship, and third in the overall combined Lake and Canal Club Championship.   So that I managed a trophy in all competitions except the Lake.  Not bad at all and pretty much consistent with the last 4 years.  So here are a few photos from last night……………..

Simon(President) handing out….

Mark Russ Lake Champ.  The competition went right to the last match with only 4 points covering the top three!!
Simon , who was third on the Lake.

Following on Kev Chubb 3rd in the 2 Day Christmas match JC second and Marc Kay kindly collects the Trophy for Rob Randall (absent) as Winner.  Make sure you get it Rob!!!

Then of course the Club Champion for the Year Brian Shutler, just edged those odd matches here and there where it mattered, edged me on the canal , pushed em close on the lake consistency and class count in the end.  Oh and good draws.

So what for me know?  Does the blog stop, do I stop?  Well no actually.  I will still go fishing, I will still be a member of the friendly club; but there are new horizons and new challenges.  

My old friend and mentor John Dewberry and his colleague Dave George and compatriots’ have invited me to join the ranks of Browning Andover.  A challenge that I have accepted. It offers me a nice balance of enjoying my fishing with my old pals at Pewsey, yet trying new venues and competitions’ with new friends.  Plus time of to race and show my dogs.  

I am quite excited there is a buzz around the Browning boys at the moment, a hunger to fish well, but with a smile on your face no matter what.  Its bums on the bank, and have a good time.  All I have ever wanted really, and for a while at least with Pewsey that’s what we had.

It could all go badly wrong and there will always be the nay sayers, who will look for me to trip up; but to be honest I don’t care I look forward now to being a thorn in the side (some would say I have always been a prick) of the those who would discount me as they walk by my peg on the way to their flier for the day.

I raise a glass of Thatchers Vintage Cider and say good luck, stretchy elastic and full keep nets to you all.  Smile and enjoy your fishing, enjoy the moment(s) they don't last.

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