Sunday, 9 June 2013

Pewsey Lake - Just a Perfect day..........

You will recall my previous blog explaining the need to catch up in the Championship points stakes with Pewsey & D A A.  So game face on lets do it.  Drew peg 9, mid way down the lake.  Not the end peg (where the carp are).  Full house despite a couple of the lads swanning off to Ireland on a bagging trip.  Will T was adapting local equipment too get his kit to his peg, bringing a new meaning to the term "fishing barrow"

a real "fishing barrow"

  The Pewsey Lake is  a funny place , its only the second time I have fished it.  Its fairly featureless, canal like in shape about 18 meters across at my peg, 3 foot ledge either side and seven foot in the middle.  I started on the choppy worm as it was rumoured biggish perch were the order of the day.  A ground bait line sprinkled with pinkie for the small stuff and the splodger across the far shelf.  First and only mistake of the day was to forget to bring two nets (one for silvers and one for carp).

Jimmy hollered the all in and I dropped in over the choppy line.  10 minutes in and apart from the float being pulled from side to side by tiny, tiny fish too small to pull the float under or take even the smallest piece of worm.  From memory in my first match here six weeks ago; Ian Spanswick built a weight of silvers (tiny silvers) to frame.  So I decided to "canalise my set up" and risk missing the bonus fish.  Couldn't risk it, needed fish in the net and definite points not blank net and what could have been again.

Proceeded not to miss a bite for the rest of the match.  Well, I say match, the first two hours because between 12 and all out at 3pm I had two bites and they amounted to around two ounces.  But in those first two hours it was tiny fish after tiny fish, and I reckon I had around two pound.  Rumour has it, Ian and Simon Burden were catching down in carp bay; but every one else was struggling to get the float too move.  Mid day saw bites slow, and the float just gently and slowly started to go under.  It was like the float was waterlogged and gradually sinking it was so slow.  I let it almost go under and struck.  Damn it got the bottom, hang on a minute the bottom is moving right and the number four elastic is stretching out.  5 Minutes later and I have a nice tench around a pound and three quarters.  I cant believe it me with a bonus fish , wonders will never cease.

10 Minutes to go and I here Will Tapper has a carp. Bugger that's torn it still I might still frame, I reckon I might have 3 and half pound.  The weigh in begins , and as normal Simon Burden 2 lb 2 oz, and Ian Spanswick (local superstars) weigh in.  Luckily no bonus fish, but as normal a mass of tiny fish (Ian had 102 fish) for 2 lb 4 oz.

Scores on the doors
Kev managed to exactly match, Ian and Jimmy (club chairman) managed to exactly match Simon so tight all round.  Wills last gasp one and only Carp, took second with 2 lb 9 oz.

Me well I had one Tench 2 lb 2 oz and 1 lb 13 oz of tiny silvers.  Yes you are reading this correctly I,ve won the match! Not only that I picked up the silvers pot and the section as defaults are not paid on the lake.  I cannot tell you how happy I am.  Thanks to my mate John for his faith, that one day I would get there.  Well John I did, I actually won a match.
Will Tappers Carp, 2 lb 9 oz the only Carp of the day.

Left to right - Ian and Kev tied for 3rd, Will T second, and yours truly the winner
PS Maximum 8 Points No Midsectionblues this week.

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